Signature reminders

Your team no longer needs to follow up on pending signatures manually. You can now set signature reminders, and we’ll e-mail everyone whose signature is pending. Remember to inform your team if you set up reminders.


Your members can also send a separate reminder for each document. The details about how often automatic reminders are sent appear next to the document so your members know it.

Here’s how to set up reminders for your team:

  • From the Admin area, click Settings and go to Reminders

  • Decide how often reminders should be sent, then click Save changes

Good to know: We start counting the day the signature invitation is sent.

Example with weekly reminders:

  • 1st reminder is sent on Monday the 8th

  • 2nd reminder is sent on Monday the 15th

  • 3rd reminder is sent on Monday the 22nd, and so on.


Is there a document deletion period set for your team? Keep in mind that we don’t send reminders for deleted documents. Let’s say the deletion period is 5 days. If you choose reminders for every 3 days, we’ll only send 1 reminder.